The Journey! The Amazing Journey was being real with myself. The reflection of me no matter what!. Along the way I had the opportunity to meet some really good people. See why other's joined T. Renee Garner cause.
T. Renee Garner! She Is The Mastermind Behind The Man Monster Comedy Musical Stage Play. Inspired By Her True Life Events, T. Renee Takes Us On A Journey Into Her World. T. Renee Overcame Years Of Domestic Violence Abuse, Organization have called T. Renee "Black History in the Making". T. Renee, Survived A Comatose And Is A Single Mom With Two Beautiful Children. She Tells Her Story In A Transparent Way To Help Bring Awareness To Domestic Violence, Teen Dating Issues And Sexual Harassment In An Effort To Help Heal The World And To End This Vicious Cycle One Stage Play Production At A Time. T. Renee Is Also The Founder Of T. Renee Garner Productions, Whose Mission Is To Provide Healing With A Message To Inspire And Enlighten People To Move Into Their Purpose; And Inspiring Generations, A Non Profit Organization Focused On Reaching The Next Generationiolence.
A creator of ideas and witty inventions. T. Renee books and anthology partnerships will inspire, motivate and propel you into your highest belief of success. Your vision is calling you.
Revealed Vision and Your Purpose
Inspired Belief You Can Go For IT.
"BE" reminded that becoming the best version of yourself will require ongoing courage, tenacity, drive, ambition, determination and commitment. On your life’s journey, You will face challenges, obstacles, roadblocks and setbacks but your internal strength will equip you to bounce back from anything standing in the way of your destiny.
We meet a great guy. He seems perfect. But what we don't realize is that within him is a monster!
There are some skills that we can learn so that we can avoid getting into relationships with a Man-Monster as well as I how to identify if you are with a Man-Monster and how to conquer now just him but CONQUER YOUR LIFE NOW!
By focusing on the three specific areas, we fulfill our mission in life of activating purpose and maximizing potential in your lives and your next generations lives. A word for now to transform your future in personal, business, and corporate development.
You Must Build Your Wealth!
Learn how to build in your wealth through home ownership, investing, and business building. The Kingdom of God is about ownership principles. Take a leap and learn more on how you can invest and multiple.
Everybody has a story! Help others with your story. Are you looking to turn you mess into a message through book or script?
I help people turn their story into script for the stage!
The Motivational and Exciting Speaker, Investor, Producer, Transformational Evangelist
A Message of Inspiration
What you are looking for is right in front of You
Protecting the Generations to Come
Black Men Pray
Locked Up Yet Free
Prayer is for Everybody
Children and Your Family Success
Have a Broadcast, Podcast, TV Show or Event?
A powerful speaker to deliver your company or corporation message with belief principles to help explain the strategic plan.
Leadership and Organization Change
Personal and Work Life Balance Importance,
Inspirational and Captivating,
Your success is key Let's Stay Together.
We Grow Through our Network